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Local Small Business Guidance/Loans/Crowdsourcing Available

Small Business Assistance Websites/Documents

Please update your business information.  The State of Indiana and the Small Business Association have updated their information area offering assistance to small businesses.  This information changes often.  Currently:
  • A standing program that can still be utilized is the Economic Disaster Loan Program, can be up to $2 million as long as the applicant is credit worthy--direct or indirectly affected by covid-19.
  • Express Bridge loans up to $25,000 for businesses that currently have relationships with Express Lenders, this is quicker & requires less paperwork
  • Forgivable loans may be coming but no definitive guidance yet. Businesses can visit:

Patroncity Crowdsourcing Offer

Patroncity is a crowdsourcing/fundraising website specifically geared toward small communities especially during the COVID-19 'Stay at Home' order. 

Patronicity is working to keep vital organizations alive. Patroncity is waiving all fees on small business non-matched crowdfunding campaigns that go live before May 15th. Knowing that cash flow is important, we’ll allow rolling funds distribution before the campaign ends. Our team will provide free coaching, helping small business owners walk through the steps of the campaign, and help develop creative fundraising ideas (i.e. gift cards, online services, etc) that will help engage their community.

Resources for Small Businesses:

Small Business Relief Fund

The Small Business Relief Fund will provide micro-grants to qualifying small businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Small Business Relief Fund is part of the Small Business Relief Initiative : a program supported by
GoFundMe, Yelp, and Intuit QuickBooks. The Small Business Relief Initiative will supply financial assistance and support to businesses across the country by providing grants, tools, and resources to help during the crisis.

The Small Business Relief Fund will provide one-time matching grants to qualifying small businesses to help alleviate the financial burdens during these pressing times. Donations to the relief fund will be paid out as grants to businesses that qualify.

To qualify for a matching grant from the Small Business Relief Fund:
a.  Start a GoFundMe Fundraiser and raise at least $500
b.  Verify that your small business has been negatively impacted by a government mandate due to the COVID-19 pandemic
c.  Verify your small business is independently owned and operated, and must not be nationally dominant in your field of operation.

Each recipient of the matching grant must intend on using the funds to help care for your employees or pay ongoing business expenses.

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'Stay at Home' Order Frequently Asked Questions

  Review Governor's Stay at Home Order - Pages 5-8 list all essential businesses

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb gave a new address at noon Monday updating plans to reduce the spread of COVID-19 ordering Hoosiers to stay at home.  Hoosiers are mandated to  stay at home between March 25, 2020-April 20, 2020 unless they work for an essential business or are traveling to an essential business.

  Click for frequently asked questions concerning the 'Stay at Home Order'.
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Governor's Updates Indiana Stay at Home Order - Mar. 25 - May 1st

  Review Governor's Stay at Home Order - Pages 5-8 list all essential businesses

Update April 20, 2020

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb gave a new address at noon Monday updating plans to reduce the spread of COVID-19 ordering Hoosiers to stay at home.

The order is in effect from March 25 to May 1st.

Hoosiers should stay in their homes except when they are at work or for permitted activities, such as taking care of others, obtaining necessary supplies, and for health and safety.

“The next two weeks are critical if we are to slow the spread of COVID-19, and we must slow the spread. You must be part of the solution, not the problem,” said Gov. Holcomb.
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Coronavirus Update - March 23, 2020

  Great resource posted by White County United Way.  It will be updated often at their website.  Review and download this information directory.
  • Beginning Tuesday, March 24th, only essential city employees will be in offices.
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Update to Mayor's Declaration - City Employees

  Review the Mayor's Press Release declaring emergency - March 22, 2020 (Updated March 24, 2020)

Monday, March 23, 2020

Mayor Cathy Gross, City of Monticello, has updated the declaration to include a notice about City Employees.  This addition was made following the Governor's 'Stay at Home' Executive Order.  Please click above link for updated declaration.
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Mayor Cathy Gross, City of Monticello, is declaring a public health/local disaster emergency effective Sunday, March 22, 2020 following the lead of the White County Board of Commissioners.

There is a local disaster/emergency throughout the city, specifically linked to the spread of COVID-19.

Monticello and its departments will continue to cooperate with White County, the Indiana State Department of Health, the State of Indiana and other local governments and organizations in their efforts to address this health emergency.

The purpose of this declaration is to facilitate future financial reimbursement, funding assistance, supplies and other assistance as are made available through the State and Federal Government due to the health emergency.

The City of Monticello reminds everyone to continue to maintain a high level of awareness as to the appropriate measures to protect against the spread of the virus.  "Social Distancing" remains critical for success.  We will continue to work together to protect our residents and employees.
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Coronavirus Update - March 20, 2020

  Great resource posted by White County United Way.  It will be updated often at their website.  Review and download this information directory.

The Governor is extending the State of Emergency in Indiana to May 5th.  The Governor's order includes information on unemployment insurance, housing, social services, veterans, etc.  Please take time to review the March 19th Governor's Order summarized here.

This afternoon, the Governor working with the State of Indiana Party Chairs have agreed to move the date of this year's Indiana Primary Election from Tuesday, May 5th to Tuesday, June 2nd.  Review the full announcement here.


The City of Monticello has opened a web page with COVID-19 News and Resources concerning people with disabilities.

Twin Lakes School Corporation - Free Grab and Go Lunches for the entire next week will have a pickup on Monday, March 23rd.  Please click and fill out form to reserve lunches for next week (Link active until midnight on Sunday).

For those of you who want to dig deeper on the CoronavirusA YouTube video discussing the spread, attack and diagnostics of this virus strain.  The first 10-15 minutes is interesting.
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Small Business Assistance Page Opens

The City of Monticello has opened a page with resources and news affecting small businesses in our community in regards to COVID-19.  In addition to this page, we encourage you to visit the following sites:

Please visit the news/resource page here.

  Indiana Small Business Development Center
  U.S. Small Business Association - Disaster Assistance

You may also consider registering to receive updates from the SBA.
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People with Disabilities Page Opens

The City of Monticello has opened a page with COVID-19 resources and news affecting people with disabilities in our community.  In addition to this page, we encourage you to visit the following sites:

Please visit the news/resource page here.
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Coronavirus Update - March 19, 2020

  Great resource posted by White County United Way.  It will be updated once a day at their website.  Review and download this services update.

The Governor is extending the State of Emergency in Indiana to May 5th.  The Governor's order includes information on unemployment insurance, housing, social services, veterans, etc.  Please take time to review the Governor's Order summarized here.


Carroll White REMC - Disonnection for non-payment is suspended and lobbies in Monticello and Delphi are closed to the public until further notice.  Payments can be made through our Monticello Drive-Up Window, Delphi kiosk, Smarthub (online) as well as pay by phone.  Members can call 800-844-7161.
Per Governor's Executive Order, no essential utility services may be disconnected while under a State of Emergency (includes electric, gas, telecom, broadband, water, and wastewater).
IU White Memorial Hospital - IU Health has made additional updates to temporary visitor restrictions. Beginning Sunday, March 15, 2020, no visitors will be permitted at Indiana University Health Hospitals. To streamline the screening process, IU Health White Memorial Hospital is directing all patients to the Emergency Entrance for screening.

Twin Lakes School Corporation

Per Governor's Executive Order, public schools will remain closed until May 1st.
Per Governor's Executive Order, all state mandated tests will be cancelled for the current academic year.
Free Grab and Go Lunches for the entire next week will have a pickup on Monday, March 23rd.  Please click and fill out form to reserve lunches for next week (Link active until midnight on Sunday).


Per Governor's Executive Order, state income tax payments delayed.  Now due July 15th (just like Federal Income Tax).

No Peddlers - White County Govt. Officials, together with local Government Officials have determined, for the protection of our citizens, no Peddlers Permits will be issued in White County, nor will any previously issued permits be honored, until further notice.  If you suspect peddler activity in your neighborhood, please contact your local law enforcement.
Per Governor's Executive Order, penalties on property tax, paid after May 11th, will be waived for sixty days.
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Monticello-Union Township Public Library Closed

Beginning March 18, 2020, The Monticello-Union Township Public Library will be closed to the public. In an ongoing effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the library will temporarily cease in-person services. Access to the library’s online services, such as INSPIRE and the Digital Collections, will continue to be available without interruption. Please check back for updates on this situation as it develops.

Library Book Drop is available. Patrons may keep the items until we reopen. No overdue fines will be assessed from March 13, 2020 forward.


Tina Emerick, Director
Monticello-Union Public Library


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Coronavirus Update - March 17, 2020


Monticello Public Library - The library will be closed until further notice on Wednesday, March 18th.  Online Services, such as INSPIRE and Digital Collections are available.  See the library website for more information.
Free Lunches
 - Twin Lakes School Corporation is providing free school lunch pickup for students 18 years old or under at Roosevelt Middle School from 2pm-4pm.  Pickup begins tomorrow.  Please visit this page to request a lunch(es).
The Twin Lakes School Pantry - For the families of Twin Lakes School there will be an extra food distribution from the Twin Lakes School Pantry on Wednesday March 18 from 2:00 to 6:00 at Woodlawn door 4. Contact Patty Godlove cell (765) 543-9188 with questions.   See this post on donating to the pantry.


Senior Center - The Senior Center will be open for Public Transit needs/requests only.  All senior lunches, planned activities, and free-tax preparation (gatherings) have been cancelled until further notice.
White County Building & County Offices - The White County Board of Commissioners are closing White County Government Buildings to the public effective March 18, 2020 to curtail the spread of COVID-19.Essential County business that cannot be conducted remotely will be either postponed or arranged at the department head’s discretion. White County Government office contact information is displayed on the County website and will be posted on the door of each County building. See for more information concerning meetings and courts.

State - Workforce/Unemployment Information

The Indiana Dept. of Workforce Development would like to assist employers, workers, and agents during this emergency.  If you are temporarily closing or reducing worker hours, please encourage your employees to file for unemployment insurance benefits.  They must do this online, through a computer or smart phone.  They should visit for Frequently Asked Questions, video tutorials, and a link to file for unemployment insurance.   Review FAQs in our Coronavirus & Business Section.


The White House and CDC (Fed. Govt.) released a helpful, brief document called '15 Days to Slow the Spread'.  Review it here.
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Coronavirus Update - March 16, 2020

These are highlights of today's news that affects our local community.  Please check National and State websites for more detail information.  Links are listed in the web resources area on this page.

Local closings reported include the United Methodist Church and Parks Programs.  See closings

State of Indiana - Directives from Governor Holcomb
  • Recommends no in-person events of more than 50 people. (Update March 17 - CDC [Fed. Gov.] guidelines are more than 10 people.)
  • Bars, nightclubs and restaurants are required to close to in-person patrons and may provide take-out and delivery services through the end of March
  • Hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers should cancel and/or postpone elective and non-urgent surgical procedures immediately.
  • The Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites will close to the public beginning Tuesday. Indiana state parks and recreation centers, including state park inns, remain open. Restaurants will convert operations to take-out and delivery.
Please visit the following web page for more of the Governor's recommendations including information on unemployment insurance, etc.
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Ind. State Dept. of Health COVID-19 Call Center Opens

General questions from the public or health care provider inquiries about COVID-19 may be directed to the ISDH COVID-19 Call Center at the toll-free number 877-826-0011 (available 24/7) or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Twin Lakes School Pantry Announcement

food pantry twin lakes
For the families of Twin Lakes School there will be an extra food distribution from the Twin Lakes School Pantry on Wednesday, March 18 from 2:00 to 6:00 at Woodlawn door 4. Contact Patty Godlove cell (765) 543-9188 with questions.

For those who would like to support the TL Food Pantry, the most efficient and effective donation is money. You can donate to Food Finders Food Bank and for donation purpose, type “Twin Lakes Schools Food Pantry”. The funds will go into an account for our pantry. During these uncertain times, let’s together lift up our entire community. Link to donation page:

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Coronavirus Information Page Opens

  Click to review the City of Monticello Coronavirus Information Page.

The City of Monticello has opened a coronavirus information page.  The purpose of this page is to:
  • Provide City News concerning the coronavirus including press releases, event cancellations, and general public health and safety information.
  • Provide key documents related to the coronavirus
  • Provide links to Federal/State web resources on the coronavirus.
This page will be updated as new information is released.
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Twin Lakes Schools Closed

  Click here for an entire listing of Closings related to COVID-19

The four White County Superintendents have been in constant communication today about the recent developments with the ongoing spread of COVID-19.
  • During the week of March 16th, Monday through Thursday will be eLearning days and Friday is planned as a waiver day.
  • On Monday, March 30, 2020 we plan to use another waiver day and reassess the situation with other White County Superintendents.
  • All facilities will be completely closed beginning at 12:00 A.M. on Saturday, March 14, 2020 until 7:00 A.M. on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.
Following this closure of the buildings, support staff will reenter to begin disinfecting procedures. Twin Lakes School Corporation continues to take steps to protect the health and safety of our students and staff.
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Board of Works/CC Moving - COVID-19

Due to the coronavirus situation and the goal of "social distancing", the City of Monticello Council and the Board of Works are moving meetings from City Hall to the White County Government Building, 2nd Floor, Commissioners Room. The meeting times of 5:30 pm BOW and 6:00 pm Council will not change.
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Mayor's Press Release on COVID-19


Press Release from the Office of Mayor Cathy Gross

Subject: Coronavirus and Flu Prevention

The City of Monticello cares about our residents, employees, and guests.

The Coronavirus is a type of virus that includes symptoms of fever, muscle aches, fatigue, cough and shortness of breath. It will more quickly infect those that are already health compromised like older adults, those already sick, or anyone with a weakened immune system. Like most other viruses, it is spread through human contact. For this reason, practicing the following precautions could help limit your risk of exposure:
  • Wash your hands, starting with your fingertip, often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • Use hand sanitizer correctly
  • Keep your distance - particularly from others who might be sick (6+ feet is recommended)
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash; or cough or sneeze into your arm or shoulder
  • Stay home if you don't feel well
  • Call your health care provider and follow their instructions. If your health insurance has the option for Teladoc or other online capabilities, please take advantage of that service.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking water. Conventional water treatment methods that use filtration and disinfection, such as those in most municipal drinking water systems, should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

You can find more information at:
Indiana State Department of Health.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention

We will continue to monitor the situation, and provide updates as necessary. We will also post updates on our city website:

Mayor Cathy Gross
City of Monticello

  Review and Download the Press Release
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Mayor Gross Interviewed

Mayor Gross was recently interviewed by Colby Smock at Twin Lakes High School.  Mrs. Laura Rogers is the faculty sponsor of the YouTube interview.  Watch it here:

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Sensible Water Treatment

drone image02Infrastructure is key for attracting and retaining businesses and industries. Along with roads, and drinking water; wastewater conveyance and treatment completes the trilogy of City provided infrastructure components. In addition, reliable and effective wastewater treatment is vital for protecting the Tippecanoe River and Lake Freeman.

The Wastewater Utility maintains and operates over 36 miles of storm and sanitary sewers, multiple pump stations, and a Class III wastewater treatment plant that is in the process of its third major upgrade since it was originally built in 1950.

Click to learn more about your Wastewater Treatment Dept. ...
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