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Lane Closures - Gordon Road

Gordon Road is scheduled for water main maintenance/rework beginning next week (September 25th).  Please expect possible lane closures during this time period. 

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Sewer Drain Information

It is common at this time of year, or anytime that it hasn't rained & it is hot outside that parts of city will experience an unpleasant odor. We are experiencing this now in the southeast area of the city. Our wastewater team will be making sure all the storm drains are covered and we are doing everything we can to minimize this issue. Please don't hesitate to call our office with concerns at 574-583-9889 
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Alleyway Cleanup Scheduled

The Monticello Street Department will be milling many of the alleys in the city on August 7 & 8, followed by two layers of chip/seal. In preparation for the large machinery required to do this project, the Street Department will be trimming all trees and shrubs that are in the right of way, so the machines can get through. 

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