1873 Hits
The City of Monticello announces the 2022 City Interdepartmental Wheelchair BB Tournament Challenge Winners. The traveling trophy moves from our MPD "Guns" to our new champs, Monticello Combined Team...pictured above. Back Row L-R ADA/Title VI Coordinator Diane Bunnell, Parks Superintendent Mitch Billue, Street Dept. Colton Brewer, Street Dept. Matt Johnson, Board of Works Referee Maury Waymouth. Front Row L-R Referee Kyle Ashton, Wastewater Superintendent Bob Lindley, Wastewater Dept. Malachi Ewing, and Mayor Cathy Gross.
2137 Hits
Updated Thursday, February 3rd at 5:05pm
The City of Monticello Administrative Offices will contnue to be closed tomorrow, February 4, 2022. All essential public safety, public works, and public utilities teams will be working and available to serve. We ask that you stay home if you can so city, county, & state crews can continue to clear the roadways. We anticipate a return to normal work schedule on Monday, February 7th. Stay safe & warm.
White County's Travel Status is ORANGE - Watch. Means that conditions are threatening to the safety of the public. During a "watch" local travel advisory, only essential travel, such as to and from work or in emergency situations, is recommended, and emergency action plans should be implemented by businesses, schools, government agencies, and other organizations.
The City of Monticello suggests the following resources for information about the winter storm:
White County Emergency Management
Current Travel Advisory Map
The City of Monticello Administrative Offices will contnue to be closed tomorrow, February 4, 2022. All essential public safety, public works, and public utilities teams will be working and available to serve. We ask that you stay home if you can so city, county, & state crews can continue to clear the roadways. We anticipate a return to normal work schedule on Monday, February 7th. Stay safe & warm.
White County's Travel Status is ORANGE - Watch. Means that conditions are threatening to the safety of the public. During a "watch" local travel advisory, only essential travel, such as to and from work or in emergency situations, is recommended, and emergency action plans should be implemented by businesses, schools, government agencies, and other organizations.
The City of Monticello suggests the following resources for information about the winter storm:
White County Emergency Management
Current Travel Advisory Map
4110 Hits