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Welcome Councilperson Oldenkamp!

At the January 5, 2021 Council Meeting, Mayor Cathy Gross welcomes new Ward 4 Councilperson, Dan Oldenkamp. Mr. Oldenkamp replaces Ralph Widmer who retired effective December 31, 2021.
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COVID Vaccine Sites. Vaccine Available for Ages 5+

Vaccine Information - Scroll to end for all White County Vaccine Sites

  Appointment Scheduling Website

Current IDOH/CDC Information on 5-11 Year Old Vaccines

Current CDC Information on Booster Shots

Scheduling Appointments

Appointments may now be scheduled online for COVID-19 vaccinations to eligible recipients. The vaccine is now available to individuals age 5 and older.
  • Anyone younger than age 18 must select a Pfizer Vaccination Site.
  • Children between 5-11 will be provided 1/3 of normal dose twice (approx. 2 weeks apart) - Check here for availibility.
    • Monticello Family Medicine VAX - 810 S 6th St, Monticello, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds only)
    • Family Health Clinic Wolcott VAX - 203 Blake St., Monticello, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds)
    • Family Health Clinic Monon VAX 0 692 E. Broadway, Monon, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds)
In many cases, a vaccine is available by appointment only to those currently eligible as determined by the Indiana Department of Health. That complete list is posted to, and appointments can also be scheduled at that website.

There is no cost to the individual, but insurance may be charged an administration fee. Individuals should bring a photo ID and an insurance card if they have one. Licensed and unlicensed healthcare workers and first responders will need a photo ID, proof of age, or verification of current employment as a healthcare worker or first responder in Indiana will be required.

White County Vaccination Sites 

Current Information from Indiana COVID-19 Vaccine Site Map; 2021 December 9

   Ivy Tech
1017 O’Connor Blvd.
Monticello, IN 47960
Click here to register.  Walk-in appointments available.

  Monticello Family Medicine
810 South 6th St.
Monticello, IN  47960
This site is for the 5-11 year old Pfizer Vaccine only. Please schedule.

  Kroger Pharmacy
916 North Main St.
Monticello, IN  47960
Click here to register - Call 866-211-5320 to schedule Kroger appts. ONLY. (Do not call 211.)

  Family Health Clinic - Wolcott
128 W. Market St.
Wolcott, IN  47995
Please call.  Appointments required.

  Family Health Clinic - Monon
692 East Broadway
Monon, IN  47959
11/4/2021 - This site has the 5-11 year old Pfizer Vaccine.

  Walgreens Pharmacy
812 W. Broadway St.
Monticello, IN  47960
NoteSchedule by clicking this link.

  CVS Pharmacy
831 N Main St.
Monticello, IN  47960
Note:  Schedule by clicking this link.

  Walmart Pharmacy
1088 W. Broadway St.
Monticello, IN  47960
Note:  Schedule by clicking this link.
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White County Moves to Red (High Community Spread of COVID-19)

White County has moved to RED.  Current map reflects December 6th, 2021.  Update each Wednesday.  See the weekly stats by clicking here (scroll down for map).
White County Guidelines (High Community Spread - Red):  The county received a point score of 3.0 > when percent positivity and new cases per 100,000 residents are combined. The county is under red guidelines. These requirements remain in effect until the metric returns to orange/yellow/blue or moves to the all clear level. 

Actions may include:
  • All general requirements are in effect. Hoosier businesses remain open.
  • The Indiana Department of Health will convene local public health officials, local health care providers, elected officials, school leaders and other key stakeholders to discuss actions that will be taken. State agencies will provide further support upon request.
Local Officials should convene whenever a county moves to a more restrictive category.
  • Local health officials should evaluate the source of positive tests, undertake targeted testing where appropriate; and issue isolation or quarantine orders where necessary.
  • Local health officials, health care providers, elected officials, school leadership and other key local leaders must convene regularly to discuss actions that could be implemented to decrease the spread of COVID in their communities.
  • School officials should review plans for all extra-curricular activities and assemblies to ensure best mitigation practices being followed.
Measures and Restrictions:  Individuals and businesses in counties designated as orange must comply with all general requirements set forth in State of Indiana Executive Order 21-32/17/12 above.
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