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Twin Lakes School Pantry Announcement

food pantry twin lakes
For the families of Twin Lakes School there will be an extra food distribution from the Twin Lakes School Pantry on Wednesday, March 18 from 2:00 to 6:00 at Woodlawn door 4. Contact Patty Godlove cell (765) 543-9188 with questions.

For those who would like to support the TL Food Pantry, the most efficient and effective donation is money. You can donate to Food Finders Food Bank and for donation purpose, type “Twin Lakes Schools Food Pantry”. The funds will go into an account for our pantry. During these uncertain times, let’s together lift up our entire community. Link to donation page:

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Coronavirus Information Page Opens

  Click to review the City of Monticello Coronavirus Information Page.

The City of Monticello has opened a coronavirus information page.  The purpose of this page is to:
  • Provide City News concerning the coronavirus including press releases, event cancellations, and general public health and safety information.
  • Provide key documents related to the coronavirus
  • Provide links to Federal/State web resources on the coronavirus.
This page will be updated as new information is released.
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New ADA Compliant Sidewalks!

The City of Monticello continues to see progress as we move toward ADA Compliance.  Through the efforts of the Street Department (Frank Arthur, Supt.), Mayor's Houston's Office, and the ADA/Title VI Coordinator/Mayor-Elect Cathy Gross, over $1 million in INDOT Community Crossing Grant funding was received by the city. This funding has made possible the downtown sidewalk enhancements.  These improvements not only serve our friends with access needs, but also make our downtown a more livable space as families with strollers also benefit from these efforts.

Our downtown now enjoys more community events through our partnerships with S.O.M.A. and our other business alliances.  All of this is made possible through grant funding and local match success.

Monticello is moving forward together!
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