Help Wanted! The Monticello Street Department is looking for full-time seasonal help for Leaf Pickup. This job will last for 6-8 weeks. Please pick up applications at the Mayor's Office at 120 West Washington Street, Monticello IN.
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On October 4, 2022 at 12:00pm (noon), Monticello Mayor Cathy Gross will read a proclamation designating October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Meet representatives from YWCA Greater Lafayette Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention Program. Learn about their services and find out how you can help victims of domestic violence.
The proclamation will be read at the United Way Building. The United Way Building is now located at 402 Tioga Road, Monticello, IN 47960.
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Trash Pickup will be collected on the regularly schedule day this week (September 5-9). There will not be a delay because of Labor Day.
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