Vaccine Information - Scroll to end for all White County Vaccine Sites
Appointment Scheduling Website
Current IDOH/CDC Information on 5-11 Year Old Vaccines
- COVID-19 Vaccines for Children and Teens (Website CDC updated 11/3/21)
- Fact Sheet for 5-11 year olds (PDF IDOH updated 11/03/21)
- Child Vaccination Fact Sheet (PDF IDOH updated 11/03/21)
- Quarantine Guidance for Families (PDF IDOH updated 11/03/21)
Current CDC Information on Booster Shots
- Information on COVID-19 Booster Shots for 65+ year olds and others who quality (Website CDC updated 11/3/21)
Scheduling Appointments
Appointments may now be scheduled online for COVID-19 vaccinations to eligible recipients. The vaccine is now available to individuals age 5 and older.- Anyone younger than age 18 must select a Pfizer Vaccination Site.
- Children between 5-11 will be provided 1/3 of normal dose twice (approx. 2 weeks apart) - Check here for availibility.
- Monticello Family Medicine VAX - 810 S 6th St, Monticello, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds only)
- Family Health Clinic Wolcott VAX - 203 Blake St., Monticello, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds)
- Family Health Clinic Monon VAX 0 692 E. Broadway, Monon, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds)
There is no cost to the individual, but insurance may be charged an administration fee. Individuals should bring a photo ID and an insurance card if they have one. Licensed and unlicensed healthcare workers and first responders will need a photo ID, proof of age, or verification of current employment as a healthcare worker or first responder in Indiana will be required.
White County Vaccination Sites
Current Information from Indiana COVID-19 Vaccine Site Map; 2021 December 9Ivy Tech
1017 O’Connor Blvd.
Monticello, IN 47960
Click here to register. Walk-in appointments available.
Monticello Family Medicine
810 South 6th St.
Monticello, IN 47960
This site is for the 5-11 year old Pfizer Vaccine only. Please schedule.
Kroger Pharmacy
916 North Main St.
Monticello, IN 47960
Click here to register - Call 866-211-5320 to schedule Kroger appts. ONLY. (Do not call 211.)
Family Health Clinic - Wolcott
128 W. Market St.
Wolcott, IN 47995
Please call. Appointments required.
Family Health Clinic - Monon
692 East Broadway
Monon, IN 47959
11/4/2021 - This site has the 5-11 year old Pfizer Vaccine.
Walgreens Pharmacy
812 W. Broadway St.
Monticello, IN 47960
Note: Schedule by clicking this link.
CVS Pharmacy
831 N Main St.
Monticello, IN 47960
Note: Schedule by clicking this link.
Walmart Pharmacy
1088 W. Broadway St.
Monticello, IN 47960
Note: Schedule by clicking this link.
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