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COVID Vaccine Sites. Vaccine Available for Ages 5+

Vaccine Information - Scroll to end for all White County Vaccine Sites

  Appointment Scheduling Website

Current IDOH/CDC Information on 5-11 Year Old Vaccines

Current CDC Information on Booster Shots

Scheduling Appointments

Appointments may now be scheduled online for COVID-19 vaccinations to eligible recipients. The vaccine is now available to individuals age 5 and older.
  • Anyone younger than age 18 must select a Pfizer Vaccination Site.
  • Children between 5-11 will be provided 1/3 of normal dose twice (approx. 2 weeks apart) - Check here for availibility.
    • Monticello Family Medicine VAX - 810 S 6th St, Monticello, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds only)
    • Family Health Clinic Wolcott VAX - 203 Blake St., Monticello, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds)
    • Family Health Clinic Monon VAX 0 692 E. Broadway, Monon, IN (Site vaccinating 5-11 year olds)
In many cases, a vaccine is available by appointment only to those currently eligible as determined by the Indiana Department of Health. That complete list is posted to, and appointments can also be scheduled at that website.

There is no cost to the individual, but insurance may be charged an administration fee. Individuals should bring a photo ID and an insurance card if they have one. Licensed and unlicensed healthcare workers and first responders will need a photo ID, proof of age, or verification of current employment as a healthcare worker or first responder in Indiana will be required.

White County Vaccination Sites 

Current Information from Indiana COVID-19 Vaccine Site Map; 2021 December 9

   Ivy Tech
1017 O’Connor Blvd.
Monticello, IN 47960
Click here to register.  Walk-in appointments available.

  Monticello Family Medicine
810 South 6th St.
Monticello, IN  47960
This site is for the 5-11 year old Pfizer Vaccine only. Please schedule.

  Kroger Pharmacy
916 North Main St.
Monticello, IN  47960
Click here to register - Call 866-211-5320 to schedule Kroger appts. ONLY. (Do not call 211.)

  Family Health Clinic - Wolcott
128 W. Market St.
Wolcott, IN  47995
Please call.  Appointments required.

  Family Health Clinic - Monon
692 East Broadway
Monon, IN  47959
11/4/2021 - This site has the 5-11 year old Pfizer Vaccine.

  Walgreens Pharmacy
812 W. Broadway St.
Monticello, IN  47960
NoteSchedule by clicking this link.

  CVS Pharmacy
831 N Main St.
Monticello, IN  47960
Note:  Schedule by clicking this link.

  Walmart Pharmacy
1088 W. Broadway St.
Monticello, IN  47960
Note:  Schedule by clicking this link.
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  10604 Hits

8 December 2021 - Latest COVID News Summary

NEW!  Review the latest ISDH Vaccine Newsletter.
There will be a weekly county by county assessment.  White County is currently RED, High Community Spread.  Update each Wednesday.  See the weekly stats here (scroll down for map).

Tested Positive?

   Tested Positive.  How to protect yourself and others.
   Probado positivo. Cómo protegerse a sí mismo y a los demás.

Test Results

   COVID-19 Test Results.  What To Do? 
   Resultados de la prueba COVID-19. ¿Qué hacer?
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White County Moves to Red (High Community Spread of COVID-19)

White County has moved to RED.  Current map reflects December 6th, 2021.  Update each Wednesday.  See the weekly stats by clicking here (scroll down for map).
White County Guidelines (High Community Spread - Red):  The county received a point score of 3.0 > when percent positivity and new cases per 100,000 residents are combined. The county is under red guidelines. These requirements remain in effect until the metric returns to orange/yellow/blue or moves to the all clear level. 

Actions may include:
  • All general requirements are in effect. Hoosier businesses remain open.
  • The Indiana Department of Health will convene local public health officials, local health care providers, elected officials, school leaders and other key stakeholders to discuss actions that will be taken. State agencies will provide further support upon request.
Local Officials should convene whenever a county moves to a more restrictive category.
  • Local health officials should evaluate the source of positive tests, undertake targeted testing where appropriate; and issue isolation or quarantine orders where necessary.
  • Local health officials, health care providers, elected officials, school leadership and other key local leaders must convene regularly to discuss actions that could be implemented to decrease the spread of COVID in their communities.
  • School officials should review plans for all extra-curricular activities and assemblies to ensure best mitigation practices being followed.
Measures and Restrictions:  Individuals and businesses in counties designated as orange must comply with all general requirements set forth in State of Indiana Executive Order 21-32/17/12 above.
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City of Monticello Business Grant Announced - Round 3

City of Monticello Mayor Cathy Gross is proud to announce the City of Monticello Small Business OCRA Grant Round 3 applications are now available. The completed application packet is due back no later than June 30 by 4:00 p.m. Businesses that have been established and operational within the city limits of Monticello since January 1, 2020 may be eligible for the maximum award amount of $10,000.00. This grant money is to be used for payroll, training, and operational costs.

The selection committee, formed with the Mayor, Clerk-Treasurer, City Council members, and the MRC, will consider whether applicant businesses have:
  • demonstrated a commitment to the community, through the support of local youth or charitable programs, good corporate citizenship, participation in community and business support organizations.
  • plans to hire, maintain, train or assist individuals who lost jobs or experienced economic hardship during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • needs that have not been or are not anticipated to be addressed through other government assistance programs.
  • made all reasonable efforts to keep employees employed during the recovery process.
  • an industry sector particularly affected negatively by COVID-19 and public safety measures associated with the outbreak (for example retail, dine in restaurant, salon).
  • are not franchise owned.
  • a physical location within the city limits of Monticello.
  • had 100 or fewer employees as of January 1, 2021.received funds in previous rounds of City or County grant/loan programs
  • are Veteran, Woman, or Minority ownership.
The Small Business Grant program has limited funding; therefore, not all grant requests may be approved at the level requested. Application packets can be picked up at the Mayor’s office at 227 N Main Street. For more information, please contact Lori Cheever at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 574-583-9889.
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Twin Lakes Schools Closed

  Click here for an entire listing of Closings related to COVID-19

The four White County Superintendents have been in constant communication today about the recent developments with the ongoing spread of COVID-19.
  • During the week of March 16th, Monday through Thursday will be eLearning days and Friday is planned as a waiver day.
  • On Monday, March 30, 2020 we plan to use another waiver day and reassess the situation with other White County Superintendents.
  • All facilities will be completely closed beginning at 12:00 A.M. on Saturday, March 14, 2020 until 7:00 A.M. on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.
Following this closure of the buildings, support staff will reenter to begin disinfecting procedures. Twin Lakes School Corporation continues to take steps to protect the health and safety of our students and staff.
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  2893 Hits

Back on Track Indiana - Stage 4.5: Extended through Sept. 25th

Extension of Back on Track 4.5 and Mask Mandate

Declaration of Emergency (Extension)

What Can Be Open Right Now?

  • Personal services, Gyms, fitness centers, and other workout facilities can continue operations with restrictions.
  • Restaurants dining room service may be open at 75% capacity while maintaining social distancing
  • Bar Seating in restaurants may operate at 50% capacity while maintaining social distancing.
  • Bars and nightclubs will open to 50% capacity while maintaining social distancing
  • Retail stores will open at full capacity.
  • Cultural, entertainment, and tourism sites (amusement parks/water parks will open at 50% capacity.  Reservations are encouraged to limit number of customers at any one time)
  • Movie theaters and bowling alleys will open at 50% capacity while maintaining social distancing.
  • Public playgrounds, community tennis and basketball courts, soccer and baseball fields, and similar facilities may resume.
  • Amusement parks and water parks may open at 50% capacity.  A reservation system is recommended.
  • Campgrounds may be open with social distancing limitations.
  • Outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, boating, birding, hunting, and bicycle riding are permitted.

What is Open in Stage 4.5?

  • Festivals, fairs, and parades may open with restrictions.  See Indiana Guidelines

Guidelines During Stage 4.5

  • Outdoor visitation must resume July 4 at assisted living facilities and nursing homes.
  • Indoor visitations at assisted living facilities and nursing homes MAY resume on July 4.  Facilities not allowing indoor visits must have a plan for indoor visitation by Stage 5.
  • Hospital Visitations encouraged with precautions.
  • Social gatherings of 250 people may take place following the CDC social distancing guidelines
  • Hoosiers 65 and over with high-risk health conditions should limit exposure in their communities.
  • It is HIGHLY recommended that residents wear face coverings in public settings.
  • There are no travel restrictions.
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  6053 Hits

ADA Business Guide and COVID-19 Released

  Download the Guide for Businesses:  Masks (Face Coverings), COVID-19, and the Americans with Disabilities Act

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC and other reputable, scientific sources strongly recommend that in places where people will come into contact with individuals from outside their own household and social distancing cannot be consistently maintained, individuals should wear masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Additionally, because confirmed positive cases are on the rise in Indiana, on July 24, 2020, Governor Eric J. Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-37, mandating masks that cover the nose and mouth be worn inside businesses and other indoor spaces in Indiana that are open to the public.

Executive Order 20-37 does provide, in Section 4, subsection c of Executive Order 20-37, that “any person with a medical condition, mental health condition or disability which prevents wearing a face covering” is exempt from the state’s mask mandate. However, it is not always readily apparent that a person has a disability, and stores—particularly national chains and smaller businesses in areas where surges are occurring—may have mask policies in place that are more stringent than those detailed in Executive Order 20-37.

The following guide has been created with the goal of clearing up confusion for businesses as they navigate compliance with the mask mandate, protecting themselves, their businesses, their customers and their employees, and applying CDC and Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) best practices guidelines, all while not running afoul of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  Learn More - Download the Guide
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  4052 Hits

Rent, Mortgage & Utility Assistance

"The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority has information available to Hoosiers who are struggling with rent, mortgage, and utility payments due to COVID-19, or may be facing eviction, foreclosure, or utility shut-offs now that moratoriums have expired. Click on the following links to find assistance:
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  4664 Hits

City Offices Opening July 13th

City leaders are re-opening city hall on Monday, July 13, 2020 at 8:00 am, with mitigation protocols in place. Visitors to city hall are required to wear face coverings if attending a meeting or plan to spend time in department offices.

White County is seeing confirmed cases increase, but not at an alarming rate so far. Of course, this is a very fluid situation and could change at any time.

We thank you for your cooperation as we all adjust to a new way of safely providing services to our residents. We will get through this together!

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  3781 Hits

Governor's Updates Indiana Stay at Home Order - Mar. 25 - May 1st

  Review Governor's Stay at Home Order - Pages 5-8 list all essential businesses

Update April 20, 2020

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb gave a new address at noon Monday updating plans to reduce the spread of COVID-19 ordering Hoosiers to stay at home.

The order is in effect from March 25 to May 1st.

Hoosiers should stay in their homes except when they are at work or for permitted activities, such as taking care of others, obtaining necessary supplies, and for health and safety.

“The next two weeks are critical if we are to slow the spread of COVID-19, and we must slow the spread. You must be part of the solution, not the problem,” said Gov. Holcomb.
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'Stay at Home' Order Frequently Asked Questions

  Review Governor's Stay at Home Order - Pages 5-8 list all essential businesses

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb gave a new address at noon Monday updating plans to reduce the spread of COVID-19 ordering Hoosiers to stay at home.  Hoosiers are mandated to  stay at home between March 25, 2020-April 20, 2020 unless they work for an essential business or are traveling to an essential business.

  Click for frequently asked questions concerning the 'Stay at Home Order'.
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  3687 Hits

Small Business Assistance Page Opens

The City of Monticello has opened a page with resources and news affecting small businesses in our community in regards to COVID-19.  In addition to this page, we encourage you to visit the following sites:

Please visit the news/resource page here.

  Indiana Small Business Development Center
  U.S. Small Business Association - Disaster Assistance

You may also consider registering to receive updates from the SBA.
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  3462 Hits

45 Days to Slow the Spread

Click to review the 15 Days to Slow the Spread Document

Updated March 30, 2020 to reflect latest information from the White House and CDC

The White House and CDC (Fed. Govt.) released Coronavirus Guidelines for America.  The goal of this communication is to slow the spread of the Coronavirus over the next 15 days. The communication highlights:
  • health guidelines
  • work and schools
  • social gatherings
  • bars/restaurants
  • discretionary travel
  • visiting nursing homes
  • asst. living facilities
  • practicing good hygiene
It is important for all citizens to review this document and share it with friends and neighbors.
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Local Small Business Guidance/Loans/Crowdsourcing Available

Small Business Assistance Websites/Documents

Please update your business information.  The State of Indiana and the Small Business Association have updated their information area offering assistance to small businesses.  This information changes often.  Currently:
  • A standing program that can still be utilized is the Economic Disaster Loan Program, can be up to $2 million as long as the applicant is credit worthy--direct or indirectly affected by covid-19.
  • Express Bridge loans up to $25,000 for businesses that currently have relationships with Express Lenders, this is quicker & requires less paperwork
  • Forgivable loans may be coming but no definitive guidance yet. Businesses can visit:

Patroncity Crowdsourcing Offer

Patroncity is a crowdsourcing/fundraising website specifically geared toward small communities especially during the COVID-19 'Stay at Home' order. 

Patronicity is working to keep vital organizations alive. Patroncity is waiving all fees on small business non-matched crowdfunding campaigns that go live before May 15th. Knowing that cash flow is important, we’ll allow rolling funds distribution before the campaign ends. Our team will provide free coaching, helping small business owners walk through the steps of the campaign, and help develop creative fundraising ideas (i.e. gift cards, online services, etc) that will help engage their community.

Resources for Small Businesses:

Small Business Relief Fund

The Small Business Relief Fund will provide micro-grants to qualifying small businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Small Business Relief Fund is part of the Small Business Relief Initiative : a program supported by
GoFundMe, Yelp, and Intuit QuickBooks. The Small Business Relief Initiative will supply financial assistance and support to businesses across the country by providing grants, tools, and resources to help during the crisis.

The Small Business Relief Fund will provide one-time matching grants to qualifying small businesses to help alleviate the financial burdens during these pressing times. Donations to the relief fund will be paid out as grants to businesses that qualify.

To qualify for a matching grant from the Small Business Relief Fund:
a.  Start a GoFundMe Fundraiser and raise at least $500
b.  Verify that your small business has been negatively impacted by a government mandate due to the COVID-19 pandemic
c.  Verify your small business is independently owned and operated, and must not be nationally dominant in your field of operation.

Each recipient of the matching grant must intend on using the funds to help care for your employees or pay ongoing business expenses.

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  5148 Hits

Local Update on Church and Drive-In Services

The CDC, the State of Indiana, and White County are receiving a lot of questions regarding church services conducting drive-in services, especially with Easter upcoming. While online virtual services are preferred and encouraged to provide the best protection against transmission of the virus, drive-in services will not violate the order as long as CDC Social Distancing and group gathering guidelines are followed. That means a number of restrictions which may include but are not limited to:
  • cars must be spaced out
  • no passing of communion or collection plates
  • no groups of 10 people together out of their cars
  • no utilizing the building for restrooms which would invite hundreds to use door handles, etc.
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  4235 Hits

Monticello Light It Blue!

  Official "Light Monticello Blue for Essential Workers Day" Proclamation - City of Monticello
  Light Monticello Blue Printable Window Sign/Poster

On Monday, April 20th, Monticello Mayor Cathy Gross is announcing a proclamation asking all citizens to “Light Monticello Blue for Essential Workers.” Mayor Gross said, “The purpose of this proclamation is to honor and support essential workers that are risking their health during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” All essential workers are honored including the public safety & first responders, truck drivers, factory workers, postal/delivery personnel, and restaurant, grocery, retail and pharmacy workers.

Please demonstrate your support by “showing your blue” in your home, front yards, doorsteps, or businesses.
  • Residents can use blue lights, ribbons, and holiday decorations.
  • Children can make sidewalk chalk drawings or yard/window signs showing support.
  • Encourage your family to have a ‘blue day’ and wear blue clothing, bandanas, or face paint.
  • Everyone is also encouraged to post “Light It Blue” photos on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (with the hashtags #LightItBlue and #INThisTogether) to show online support of health care workers, first responders, and essential workers.
“Light Monticello Blue for Essential Workers” will continue from April 20th thru April 30th, 2020. As essential workers travel the community or drive to/from work our ‘Light It Blue’ moments are small ways in which we can thank and recognize them.
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City/County Emergency Declaration Extension - May 6, 2020

  Review the City of Monticello - Local Disaster Emergency Declaration Executive Order No. 20-04 - May 4, 2020
  Lea la Declaración de Emergencia por Desastre Local de la Ciudad de Monticello, Orden Ejecutiva Núm. 20-04 - May 4, 2020
  Review the White County Commissioner's Executive Order No. 20-02:  White County Disaster Emergency Declaration
   Review the Governor's Back on Track Stage 2 document beginning May 4th here.

With the reported number of positive Coronavirus cases continuing to rise (having doubled over the past three days, and not expected to peak for another one to two weeks)  it is declared that a state of local emergency continues to exist in the City of Monticello.  With regard to Essential Retail and Commercial Businesses permitted to be open under Governor Holcomb's Executive Orders, the Mayor, City Councl and Board of Public Works and Safety orders:
  1. Every person who enters such businesses, including business employees, must wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth.
  2. Children under the age of sixteen (16) will not be allowed inside such businesses, unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  3. Such businesses shall monitor and enforce these orders.
  4. All those considered 'high-risk' are encouraged to avoid all public gatherings.
  5. All persons are recommended to wear face coverings in all public settings.  Residents should also continue to practice social distancing and good hygiene.
  6. This Executive Order is supplemental to Governor Holcomb's Executive Order No. 20-26 which all persons are recommended to review and obey.  Pursuant to Governor Holcomb's Order, retail and commercial businesses, including those that have been open for the neccessities of life during previous Governor's Executive Orders may operate at 50% of capacity.
The Executive Order will become effective at 12:01AM (EST) on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, upon the expiration of the Mayor's Executive Order of April 28, 2020, and will expire at 12:01AM (EST) on Wednesday, May 13, 2020.
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  7987 Hits

UPDATE - Back on Track Stage 2 Begins on May 4th

UPDATED MAY 5, 2020  5:15PM

With the spike in COVID-19 cases within White County, the City of Monticello released a new Local Disaster Emergency Declaration:  Executive Order No. 20-04 of May 4, 2020.  This order expires at 12:01 Wednesday, May 13th.  The order expands the Governor's Stage 2 Order in two areas: Face Masks and Children Entering Businesses.

  Review a news summary of the executive order here.
  Review the City of Monticello Executive Order Extension here.
  Review the White County Executive Order Extension here.
  Review the Governor's Back on Track Stage 2 document beginning May 4th here.

The following is a summary of the Back on Track Indiana Stage 2 proposal beginning tomorrow, Monday, May 4th with the City/County Executive Order included.

Beginning May 4th

  • People who are 65 and older along with those having high-risk health conditions should stay home.
  • Everyone is encouraged to wear face masks in public.  Residents should also continue to practice social distancing and good hygiene.
  • Social gatherings can be up to 25 people as long as there is social distancing.
  • Essential travel restrictions will be lifted.
  • Remote work encouraged to continue wherever possible.
  • Manufacturers, industrial operations and other infrastructure that has not been open to date - can reopen.
  • Half of BMV branches will reopen Monday with more in the coming weeks - appointment only.
  • Public libraries can reopen according to their own policies and local/CDC guidelines

Beginning May 6th

Beginning May 8th

  • Religious services (statewide – no exceptions) may convene inside places of worship. Updated guidance will be coming.
  • A religious service will need to comply with social distancing - seating spaced apart. It is recommended for people to wear face coverings.
  • Churches will not be subject to the 25 person social gathering limitation.
  • They are encouraged to conduct as many activities as possible virtually and potentially add more services to allow for smaller groups.

Beginning May 11th

  • Personal services like hair salons can reopen by appointment only and with social distancing.
  • Restaurants can reopen at 50 percent capacity. People will need to sit at small tables and not at the bar.

Beginning May 13th

  • City of Monticello Local Disaster Emergency Declaration:  Executive Order No. 20-04 of May 4, 2020 will expire.

The following remains closed during Stage 2

  • K-12 and other educational buildings
  • No visitors to nursing homes or funerals
  • Bars and nightclubs
  • Gyms
  • Community centers
  • Venues including:
    • sport
    • fairs
    • theme parks
    • movie theaters
    • bowling alleys
    • wedding
    • funeral
  • Basketball courts, playgrounds, water parks and swimming pools
  • Campgrounds
  • Adult day cares remain closed through May 31
  • Casinos
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  5680 Hits

"Hometown Heroes" (ASL) Video

This video in American Sign Language (ASL) contains information from Mayor Cathy Gross, Fire Chief Galen Logan, and Chief of Police Jason Lingenfelter. Topics include the new mask policy for city employees, what residents can do to protect themselves, and how the police department is changing its procedures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus while still protecting and serving our community.

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  6626 Hits

Mayor's Press Release on COVID-19


Press Release from the Office of Mayor Cathy Gross

Subject: Coronavirus and Flu Prevention

The City of Monticello cares about our residents, employees, and guests.

The Coronavirus is a type of virus that includes symptoms of fever, muscle aches, fatigue, cough and shortness of breath. It will more quickly infect those that are already health compromised like older adults, those already sick, or anyone with a weakened immune system. Like most other viruses, it is spread through human contact. For this reason, practicing the following precautions could help limit your risk of exposure:
  • Wash your hands, starting with your fingertip, often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • Use hand sanitizer correctly
  • Keep your distance - particularly from others who might be sick (6+ feet is recommended)
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash; or cough or sneeze into your arm or shoulder
  • Stay home if you don't feel well
  • Call your health care provider and follow their instructions. If your health insurance has the option for Teladoc or other online capabilities, please take advantage of that service.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking water. Conventional water treatment methods that use filtration and disinfection, such as those in most municipal drinking water systems, should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

You can find more information at:
Indiana State Department of Health.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention

We will continue to monitor the situation, and provide updates as necessary. We will also post updates on our city website:

Mayor Cathy Gross
City of Monticello

  Review and Download the Press Release
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