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Join Monticello for Purple Thursday

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Town Hall Meeting Scheduled Oct. 31st

Do you have questions or concerns about our city? Do you want your voice heard? Join Mayor Gross, the City Council Members, and City Department Heads at a Town Hall Meeting.  Meeting Information:

What:  The Town Hall Meeting
When:  Tuesday, October 31st at 7:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
West Bays of City Hall
120 W Washington St
Monticello, Indiana 47960

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  4119 Hits

Water Hydrant Flushing Scheduled

The City of Monticello Waterworks Department is scheduling city hydrants to be flushed between October 3-6.   Please be alert while traveling in these areas. 

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  997 Hits

Lane Closures - Gordon Road

Gordon Road is scheduled for water main maintenance/rework beginning next week (September 25th).  Please expect possible lane closures during this time period. 

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Sewer Drain Information

It is common at this time of year, or anytime that it hasn't rained & it is hot outside that parts of city will experience an unpleasant odor. We are experiencing this now in the southeast area of the city. Our wastewater team will be making sure all the storm drains are covered and we are doing everything we can to minimize this issue. Please don't hesitate to call our office with concerns at 574-583-9889 
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  1115 Hits

Alleyway Cleanup Scheduled

The Monticello Street Department will be milling many of the alleys in the city on August 7 & 8, followed by two layers of chip/seal. In preparation for the large machinery required to do this project, the Street Department will be trimming all trees and shrubs that are in the right of way, so the machines can get through. 

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  1898 Hits

INDOT Road Closure - Gordon/Airport Rd.

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has stated due to the traffic problems caused by the NIPSCo gas line relocation at Gordon Rd., Airport Rd., and US-421, the decision has been made to close Gordon and Airport Roads at that intersection.

  • Gordon and Airport Rd. Intersection will be closed.
  • Affected residents south of the intersection may use new County Rd. 225 S to enter/exit the area.
  • The traffic lights will be bagged and South Main/US-421 will be free flowing traffic with some lane restrictions as work progresses. 

We do not have an exact day when this will happen, within the next two weeks, and could last as long as 2 months. 

For more information about the INDOT Roundabout Project, click here (originally published in 2022).

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  2221 Hits

Parks Dept. Requests Assistance

Teen Survey Added!


Adults and Teens, help the City of Monticello update its Parks and Recreation Master Plan.  Please share your thoughts and ideas regarding our park system.


The survey is open for responses through July 14, 2023


Please follow the link below:

Teen Survey:

Note:  The survey will take approximately 5-15 minutes (including optional open ended responses).  Survey doesn't require registration and responses are private.

For more information about the current master plan and view all documents related to this survey, click any link below:

Parks Survey - 2023

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  8452 Hits

Project Sprout Update

Courtney Dyer, the Maternal Health Specialist released a video updating the public on Project Sprout.  Please review the video below and learn more about this Mobile Integrated Health Program.

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  1728 Hits

Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program Soars

   NEW! Indiana Capital Chronicle news article (June 2, 2023)
   Read the Program Opening Press Release (February 23, 2022)

The City of Monticello and the Monticello Fire Department are excited to announce the creation of the Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program also known as the Community Paramedicine Program.

The Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program fills the gaps that are prevalent in healthcare, especially in more rural and aging communities. It works to meet the quadruple aim for healthcare which includes:
  • Better outcomes
  • Improved patient experience
  • Improved clinician experience
  • Lower healthcare costs
This is accomplished by:
  • Increased access and communication with primary care physicians for the medically underserved
  • Help with chronic disease management
  • Prioritize preventive care and follow up care for high-risk members of our community
Services provided upon the orders of our medical team include:
  • Assist patient communication with their provider
  • Post hospital discharge instruction compliance
  • Monitor vital signs
  • Provide cardiac monitoring
  • Diabetes management
  • Fall risk assessment & prevention/in-home safety checks
  • Immunizations including influenza and COVID-19 for homebound patients
  • Evaluating and assisting patients with individual needs
These and other services will help White County residents age in place and provide proactive care to prevent future hospitalization.

In 2021, The Monticello Fire Department and Indiana University Health White Memorial Hospital collaborated on the Community Paramedicine Program pilot project. During the 6-month pilot program Monticello Fire Department saw 50 patients and had a 100% non-readmittance rate.

After the program’s success the West Central Region of IU Health agreed to provide first year funding to establish and sustain this program until further funding can be achieved. The commitment by our local IU Health White Memorial Hospital team under the guidance of President Mary Minier and Chief Nursing Officer Renea Smith connected our Community Paramedic Team, FF/Paramedic Chad Walther, and FF/Paramedic Nick Green with the families and individuals that would benefit most from this program.

The Mobile Integrated Healthcare program also received financial support from the Indiana State Department of Health and IU Health White Memorial Hospital. Our Community Paramedic(s) will be working with other funding agencies and grantors to provide necessary support moving forward.

This partnership provides our community with another resource to improve overall community health.

For more information about this program contact:

Nick Green, Community Paramedic
Phone:  574-870-8019

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  6452 Hits

Street Department Position Opening

The City of Monticello Street Department is announcing a position of General Laborer.  Please review the job description below.  You may pick up an application from the Mayor's Office or the City of Monticello Street Department.

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  1621 Hits

City Pool Opens Saturday, May 27th

   2023 Monticello City Pool Schedule.

Monticello's Best Family Fun Value!  Pool opening is Saturday, May 27th.  This date may be subject to change due to weather.  Please check the website often or the City Parks Facebook Page.

Pool Opening 2023 - Sat., May 27th

2023 Summer Operation Hours
  • Monday - Saturday:  12:00 Noon - 7:00pm
  • Sunday:  1:00pm - 7:00pm
  • Adult Lap Swim/Water Walking is held:
    • M-F from 7 - 8pm
    • Saturday from 9 - 11am
Swim Lessons and Lifeguard Training Classes are available.   Online Registration for swimming lessons will be announced at the end of May.  Registration will be accepted through the city park portal:

  Click to review the 2023 Monticello City Pool Schedule.

The city pool is located at 519 S. Second Street just one block down from the high school.  View Map.

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  6002 Hits

Habitat for Humanity Taking Applications

The Habitat for Humanity of Lafayette is accepting applications within White County for a future home.  If you are interested in applying to live in White County:

1.  Review the qualifications at:

2,  Then contact our Family Services Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  2240 Hits

Disaster Recovery Center Revisits White County

May 11, 2023

News Release

INDIANAPOLIS – A Disaster Recovery Center will revisit White County on May 11-13 to help survivors of the March 31–April 1 storms and tornadoes continue their recovery. Recovery specialists from FEMA, the state and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will be at the center to help with FEMA applications, answer questions and provide referrals to resources.

The center will be located at:
1017 O'Conner Blvd. Monticello, IN 47960
Center hours on May 11-12 will be 8 a.m-6 p.m. Hours for 13 will be 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Additional recovery centers are open in other impacted areas. Individuals and businesses in Allen, Benton, Clinton, Grant, Howard, Johnson, Lake, Monroe, Morgan, Owen, Sullivan and White counties can visit any open center for help. To find a nearby center, visit
To apply for FEMA assistance without visiting a center, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362, go online to or use the FEMA App. If you use a relay service such as video relay service (VRS) or captioned telephone service, give FEMA your number for that service.

The deadline to apply for federal assistance is June 14, 2023.
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  1614 Hits

City Requests Survey Help

The City of Monticello is requesting citizen assistance to take a brief survey for a grant application focused on the renovation and use of the 2nd floor of the City Hall/Mayor's Office (former Monticello Fire Station on at 120 W. Washington).  The survey doesn't require any registration.  The 5 question survey takes approximately 2-5 minutes.  Thank you.

Please click to take the survey.

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  2087 Hits

Take a Tour of Matchbox ...

Are you An entrepreneur with an idea, a person with a side hustle wishing to make it their full-time work, or even a current small business owner looking to clarify their mission or expand their business?  Introduce yourself and your idea to Matchbox.  Watch the video and apply today!   More information and apply:  Matchbox Studio

Schedule a free day at Matchbox and get a 1:1 Studio Tour:    

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  23866 Hits

Clerk/Treasurer Office Opening

The City of Monticello is now accepting applications/resumes for the position of Payroll Clerk/2nd Deputy.  Applications may be picked up at the Clerk Treasurer's Office at 124 W. Washington St., Monticello, IN  47960.  See the description below. 

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  1735 Hits

Beware of 3rd Party Bill Pay Services

A third-party bill payment service called DOXO has gained the unfavorable attention of utility cooperatives. City of Monticello Utility customers may be misled while searching the Internet for the City of Monticello Utilities bill payment service. DOXO's payment pages are using the City of Monticello Utilities name WITHOUT PERMISSION, giving it the appearance of an official payment site.

DOXO will charge the member extra fees for processing their transactions, and City of Monticello Utilities cannot control when we will receive the member's payment from DOXO.  This may result in a late payment from the member or even disconnection due to non-payment.

City of Monticello Utilities official online payment service link is located on the website through invoiceCloud. There are no fees to use these services, payments made through them are secure, and are reflected on your account immediately.

If you make online payments using any other services, use caution. Investigate before paying to make sure the service is legitimate, and inquire about any additional fees you may be required to pay. 

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  1759 Hits

Spring & Summer Projects? Call 811 ...

Do you have a Spring or Summer Project planned that requires digging? The City of Monticello and Departments urge residents to call 811 before starting any digging project. 811 is the national call-before-you-dig phone number. Anyone who plans to dig should call 811 or go to Indiana's 811 website before digging to request that the approximate location of buried utilities be marked with paint or flags so that you don't unintentionally dig into an underground utility line.

Have a great spring and summer! Remember Safety is in Your Hands.  Every Dig. Every Time.

1. Call 811


2. Visit Indiana 811 Website

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  2024 Hits

Now Playing ... Monticello!

In our community, the downtown movie theater offers a unique opportunity for people to engage with each other. Many young people use the space to come together following a show making it a prime location for improvement. The Monticello Mayor's Youth Council and Next Generation Youth Advocates (NGYA) are participating in the My Community My Vision program and need your help to rejuvenate a small courtyard, setting the stage for a new and improved gathering space for our community.

This space will be designed by young people with a fresh perspective. By adding color and freshening up the space it will

  • invite people to stay a bit longer, visit more businesses and find more opportunities to connect.
  • be used as a nice lunch spot for surrounding business owners.
  • be used by families to gather and allow children to play on improved surfaces.
  • improve the safety of the area so that it can be accessible to all ages.

With your support, we can make this space the "star" of our downtown! To accomplish this we have started "A Creating Places Campaign" This campaign includes a matching grant from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority!

Here's How YOU Can Help!

Make a donation today! Any amount helps. The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority will provide a matching grant of $10,000 but only if we meet our goal! To give online just click here and choose a rewards level.

If you prefer to give offline by cash or check please make/drop mail donations to:

Mayor's Youth Council Fund
124 W Washington St.
Monticello, Indiana 47960.

If you have questions or inquiries please contact Carol Conrad at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  1897 Hits