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Spring & Summer Projects? Call 811 ...

Do you have a Spring or Summer Project planned that requires digging? The City of Monticello and Departments urge residents to call 811 before starting any digging project. 811 is the national call-before-you-dig phone number. Anyone who plans to dig should call 811 or go to Indiana's 811 website before digging to request that the approximate location of buried utilities be marked with paint or flags so that you don't unintentionally dig into an underground utility line.

Have a great spring and summer! Remember Safety is in Your Hands.  Every Dig. Every Time.

1. Call 811


2. Visit Indiana 811 Website

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  2025 Hits

Now Playing ... Monticello!

In our community, the downtown movie theater offers a unique opportunity for people to engage with each other. Many young people use the space to come together following a show making it a prime location for improvement. The Monticello Mayor's Youth Council and Next Generation Youth Advocates (NGYA) are participating in the My Community My Vision program and need your help to rejuvenate a small courtyard, setting the stage for a new and improved gathering space for our community.

This space will be designed by young people with a fresh perspective. By adding color and freshening up the space it will

  • invite people to stay a bit longer, visit more businesses and find more opportunities to connect.
  • be used as a nice lunch spot for surrounding business owners.
  • be used by families to gather and allow children to play on improved surfaces.
  • improve the safety of the area so that it can be accessible to all ages.

With your support, we can make this space the "star" of our downtown! To accomplish this we have started "A Creating Places Campaign" This campaign includes a matching grant from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority!

Here's How YOU Can Help!

Make a donation today! Any amount helps. The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority will provide a matching grant of $10,000 but only if we meet our goal! To give online just click here and choose a rewards level.

If you prefer to give offline by cash or check please make/drop mail donations to:

Mayor's Youth Council Fund
124 W Washington St.
Monticello, Indiana 47960.

If you have questions or inquiries please contact Carol Conrad at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  1899 Hits

Monticello is Aspiring Indiana Accredited Main Street

Lt. Gov. Crouch, OCRA announce 14 communities toreceive new 2023 Indiana Main Street designations

INDIANAPOLIS (March 2, 2023) – Today, Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs announced 14 organizations will be designated as Indiana Main Street programs or will be moved into a new Indiana Main Street program level.

The Indiana Main Street Program annually accepts applications for three levels. The levels include:

  • Nationally Accredited Main Street: These organizations meet all of the Main Street America Accreditation Standards.
  • Aspiring Indiana Accredited Main Street: These organizations are within one year of meeting all Indiana Accreditation Standards but could lack a full-time paid staff person.
  • OCRA's Downtown Affiliate Network: These organizations may prefer to specialize in event-related activities only, lack the physical and historical capacity required to qualify as a Main Street organization, or are working towards building organizational capacity to meet the Indiana or Main Street America Accreditation Standards.

"The Indiana Main Street program allows communities to celebrate what makes them unique and showcase their downtown districts," said Lt. Gov. Crouch, Indiana's Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development. "I look forward to seeing how each of these 14 communities will utilize this program in the coming months."

Local program's performances are evaluated by Indiana Main Street, which works in partnership with Main Street America to identify organizations that meet rigorous performance standards.

"Congratulations to these 14 communities on earning an Indiana Main Street designation or advancing to the next level of the program," said OCRA Executive Director Denny Spinner. "Hoosier Main Street communities gain resources, tools and opportunities from our state program, helping fuel their economic development and enhancing their downtown districts. I am eager to see all they accomplish through their new designations."

The organizations earning new Indiana Main Street designations include:

Nationally Accredited Main Street

  • Main Street Brookville
  • Historic Downtown Kendallville

Aspiring Indiana Accredited Main Street

  • Delphi Main Street
  • Dillsboro Main Street
  • Streets of Monticello Association

OCRA's Downtown Affiliate Network:

  • Restore Old Town Greenwood Inc
  • Irvington Development Organization
  • GROW Jasonville Inc.
  • Mass Ave Cultural Arts District
  • Inspire Mishawaka
  • One New Harmony
  • Discover Oxford
  • Association for a Better Rockport
  • Discover Downtown Washington

Through their designations, the 14 programs will be provided a formal certificate, access to Main Street America and Indiana Main Street trainings, networking opportunities with other regional and statewide programs, a resource toolbox unique to their needs, and more.

To learn more about the Indiana Main Street program, visit To view the full directory of Indiana Main Street communities, visit 

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  1858 Hits

Play BINGO for the Park

 Join the Rotary Club of Monticello for BINGO Night.  All proceeds donated to the Monticello Parks playground equipment project.

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  2150 Hits

Project Sprout Referral

 If you are wanting to refer a patient to the Monticello Mobile Integrated Health Project Sprout, please download and fill out form.  You may submit the form by scanning/copying and eMailing form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or via fax:  574-583-5163.

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  1753 Hits

Turn Your Business Idea into Reality ...

Are you An entrepreneur with an idea, a person with a side hustle wishing to make it their full-time work, or even a current small business owner looking to clarify their mission or expand their business?  Introduce yourself and your idea to Matchbox.  Watch the video and apply today! 

More information and apply:  Matchbox Studio

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  2099 Hits

Be a Flowerpot Sponsor!

Do you love our downtown flowerpots? Of course, you do! And so do we! Why do we do it? Because we love Monticello and are passionate about making Monticello bloom!  Join the Streets of Monticello Association (S.O.M.A.) Downtown Flowerpot Project and learn how you or your business can sponsor a self-watering flowerpot.  

Review the Flowerpot Ladies Letter and submit a donation!

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  4039 Hits

Habitat for Humanity Wants to Partner With You

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  2748 Hits

City Honors Nicholas A. Brietic Foundation

The City of Monticello awarded the family of Nick Brietic with a certificate of appreciation.  The mission of the Nicholas A Brletic Foundation is to honor and continue Nick's legacy. A beloved, son, brother, and friend, Nick lived life to the fullest and brought joy to the lives of those who were fortunate enough to know him.

Nick's love of all water and boating led to the foundation donating $7500 to the Monticello Fire Department Rescue Boat fund.

NIck's Mother Stacy Jacobs and Father Mark Brletic accepted the Certificate of Appreciation from Mayor Cathy Gross
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  2640 Hits

How to Cut Your Water Usage in Half

The following link is from Consumer Reports on saving water (during the past summer's drought in many states).  However, the same information can be applied to saving water in your home.  Click here to review this free/ad-free article.

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  1616 Hits

Monon Station Expansion Work & Support Honored

Certificates of Appreciation were given out to many individuals, groups, and businesses for their hard work and support to make the Monon Station expansion a success. Pictured above with the Mayor are MFD FF/Paramedic Jacob Norwell, Monon Town Marshall & Township Advisory Board member Roger Young, and Lon Roudebush of Professional Interiors.

Below is the list of all that were awarded certificates for their help and support.
  • North White Building Trades for the renovation that turned an upstairs storage area into living quarters with living room, kitchen, bath, laundry area, and two bedrooms
  • Lon & Judy Roudebush of Professional Interiors provided and installed non-slip material on the staircase. This was provided at a reduced cost and they rearranged their installation schedule to make sure the work was done before the station opened.
  • Brad & Shari Moore of Ace Hardware provided all the paint and supplies at a substantial discount
  • Mark Reynolds of the Monon Connection Museum at the Whistle Stop Restaurant provided Monon Railroad memorabilia to decorate both the living quarters and the meeting room. The upstairs was painted to match the color scheme of the 1950s era Monon Railroad passenger train.
  • Jasper County Recovery House for providing paint crews.
  • Roger Young, Monon Town Marshal and Monon Township Board for hours of work on cleaning and preparation to turn the space into living quarters.
  • Lt. John Huff, Monticello Fire Department for installing new sink and faucet in the kitchen
  • Firefighter Paramedics Ryan Hahn and Jake Norwell for cleaning, furnishing and preparation work. 
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  1813 Hits

Lake Shafer Association Awarded by City

The City of Monticello hereby expresses its gratitude to the Lake Shafer Association for decades of support for the Fire Department Water Rescue Team. The relationship between the City of Monticello and the Association was born of tragedy. Henry Warinecz drowned in Lake Shafer on May 18, 1983. Divers from the Fire department recovered his body.

Henry's daughter, Ruth Bortscheller, who was affectionately known as Mrs. B. was the secretary treasurer of the Lake Shafer Association. She knew the importance of the Water Rescue team and helped in raising tens of thousands of dollars for the Team over the last 40 years. The money not only purchased hardware such as boats, motors, and diving equipment, it also paid to train Fire Department Divers. Divers are trained in advanced skills like Emergency Response Diving, ice diving, dry suit and full-face mask diving. The latest contribution from the Association was a sonar unit for the department's new boat. Sonar allows the victim of a drowning to be located much more quickly than possible by traditional underwater search patterns.

The Lake Shafer Association's contribution to public safety has afforded the Monticello Fire Department to have a water rescue team that is better equipped and better trained than would have been possible without their support. The City of Monticello is extremely thankful for this on-going public – private relationship with the Lake Shafer Association that continues to enhance the safety of our community. 
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  1764 Hits

Winter Craft Programs Announced!

 Register for Crafts by calling Public Library 574-583-2665
 Winter Parks Crafts Flyer

The Monticello City Parks Department, in partnership with the Monticello-Union Township Public Library, announces the following Winter Parks Crafts:
  • Winter Quilling Project
  • Pine Cone Wreath Making
  • Valentine's Day Button Heart Project
There is a $5.00 charge for each class.  If interested, please register for the classes by calling/leaving message at the Monticello-Union Township Public Library at 574-583-2665.
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  6467 Hits

IHCDA select Monticello for My Community, My Vision Initiative

On December 6, 2022 Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority have chosen the Monticello Next Generation Youth Advocates for the My Community, My Vision (MCMV) program, which connects high school students across Indiana to each other and their neighborhoods, towns, and cities.   Review more information about this initiative here:


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  2608 Hits

Child Care Access Forum on Tu, Dec. 6th at 10am

Enter your text here ...

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  1723 Hits

Mental Healthcare Forum - Tu Nov. 29th - 1pm

Enter your text here ...

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  1521 Hits

Firemen Assist Habitat for Humanity

Monticello Fire Department B-Shift led by Captain Shane Swaim & Lt. Chad Walther volunteered at the Habitat for Humanity site Thursday. The team included Tyler Miller, Yaritza Shanchez, Captain Shane Swaim, Lt. Chad Walther, Aaron Miller, Ryan Hahn, and Trey Cobb. 

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  1915 Hits

Winterize Your Rain Barrel

Don't forget to winterize your rain barrel before freezing temperatures arrive.

  • Disconnect the diverter from your downspouts.
  • Drain the water out of your barrel.
  • After it drains just leave the spigot open.
  • Plug the diverter connected to your downspouts.

If you need more information please feel free to contact the City of Monticello Wastewater Utility by email.Thank you for your participation using rain barrels for your gardening needs.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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  1929 Hits

Project Rain Barrel Wins Governor's Award

The City of Monticello recently won the Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence for the 2022 IDEM Recycling/Reuse for Project Rain Barrel.  

Learn more about Project Rain Barrel here.

Please review the Governor's Press Release:

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  2135 Hits

Full-Time Seasonal Help Needed

Help Wanted!  The Monticello Street Department is looking for full-time seasonal help for Leaf Pickup.  This job will last for 6-8 weeks.  Please pick up applications at the Mayor's Office at 120 West Washington Street, Monticello IN. 

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  2249 Hits