Review the Mayor's Press Release declaring emergency - March 22, 2020 (Updated March 24, 2020)
Monday, March 23, 2020
Mayor Cathy Gross, City of Monticello, has updated the declaration to include a notice about City Employees. This addition was made following the
Governor's 'Stay at Home' Executive Order. Please click above link for updated declaration.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Mayor Cathy Gross, City of Monticello, is declaring a public health/local disaster emergency effective Sunday, March 22, 2020 following the lead of the White County Board of Commissioners.
There is a local disaster/emergency throughout the city, specifically linked to the spread of COVID-19.
Monticello and its departments will continue to cooperate with White County, the Indiana State Department of Health, the State of Indiana and other local governments and organizations in their efforts to address this health emergency.
The purpose of this declaration is to facilitate future financial reimbursement, funding assistance, supplies and other assistance as are made available through the State and Federal Government due to the health emergency.
The City of Monticello reminds everyone to continue to maintain a high level of awareness as to the appropriate measures to protect against the spread of the virus. "Social Distancing" remains critical for success. We will continue to work together to protect our residents and employees.